
Faith-driven peak-performance to elevate every area of your life

Best ways to begin

I've trained Green Berets & SEALS, collegiate athletes, other high-performers... and, yes, even dads.

I can help you perform at peak levels, too.

Let's get started!

Do you ever feel like you’re taking two steps forward in one area of life— at the expense of losing ground in another?

Perhaps some of the following seems familiar.

➡️ You have a deep desire in your soul to wake up each and every day with a strong sense of purpose and meaning to engage in work that benefits the world, yet it’s hard to make an impact when you feel like you’re barely making ends meet.

➡️ Or, you’re thriving in work but you feel like you do so at the expense of the dream of loving your family well and generously, of creating deep connections with them.

➡️ You long for good friends that are willing to stand next to you and share life with you no matter what challenges you face, but there never seems to be enough time (you wonder HOW to prioritize when so many things feel important— and urgent).

➡️ You have a deep-seated hunger to carry out some special calling that, when answered, allows you to leave behind a world that is better off than when you came into it— but it’s hard to do the things that matter the most when you’re constantly in a grind.

➡️ You pray to have the strength and endurance to take on all of life’s challenges with discipline, tenacity, and strength, and stand victorious. You’re willing to do the work— but you need a simple roadmap and the tools to get there.

Holos Human Performance is for you!

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Holos Human Performance was created as the solution to one man's struggle to live a life that matters.

Mike Sanders grew up consistently second-guessing himself.

He didn’t feel he measured up. Really, it didn’t seem life mattered too much.

That changed when he stumbled upon the world of strength & conditioning. This was an area in which measurable and quantifiable gains could be made. Furthermore, Mike excelled at it.

He found a staff position as the strength coach for an NCAA hockey team while in his 30s. Just a few years into the program, the team won the national championship.

As everyone celebrated in the locker room, Mike walked back to the ice.

“I’m an imposter,” he thought.

Even at the top of his game (and helping a team reach peak performance), he felt he didn’t quite fit in.

He began training elite members of the military— SEALS and Special Forces. Helping men at the pinnacle of physical performance seemed like the opportunity of a lifetime.

Until several of the men he trained were killed before they could even draw their weapons.

This puzzled him, for he had— he thought— prepared them to execute their mission at the highest level possible…

… and they never got a chance to perform.

Approaching his early 40s, Mike pondered if there was more to “peak performance” than just physical strength. He considered that maybe the entire person needs to be “trained”— body, soul, and spirit.

In addition, as Mike noticed some of his warriors returning home from their mission(s), he realized he prepared them to perform at optimal levels on the battlefield BUT performing at a peak level as a husband, a father, an employee, and a neighbor are different environments which ALSO demand unique skills to perform at peak levels.

He integrated what he was learning into his training practices with the Special Forces and SEALS.

And, facing depression as he sorted through it all, he recognized God was seeking to capture his attention.

It isn’t just warriors who need comprehensive training to reach peak performance in their area of operations…

… as he ate lunch and drank coffee with numerous men— regular men with jobs and families and other responsibilities, he realized we all struggle with the same issues.

⚙️ We need to discover who we are.

⚙️ We need to define the areas over which we have stewardship and responsibility.

⚙️ We need to do what we do— in each area of life— unto the Lord.

That's why he created Holos Human Performance.

The Greek word Holos means “whole & complete.”

“Peak performance” is your capacity to execute the appropriate tasks at an elite level in the environment in which your unique skills are required.

Performing at the optimal (read: peak) level requires:

✅ Possessing the right skills

✅ Performing them in the correct environment

✅ Positioning yourself to adapt to other situations as the requirements change

An example:

Many people suggest Wayne Gretzky is the greatest hockey player, Tom Brady is the best footballer, and Michael Jordan is the GOAT.

They each excel— and perform at peak levels— in their area of expertise.

But what if we placed Brady on the ice, Jordan on the fifty yard line, and Gretzky on the free throw line?

Would they excel then?

Or might they need additional training…?

(20+ years ago, Michael Jordan played minor league baseball and demonstrated that even he couldn’t be the “Jordan of baseball.”)

Let’s apply it to us…

The problem with most fitness regimens (and even self-improvement processes) is that they focus only on one area. So…

❌ We find ourselves succeeding in physical fitness— at the expense of enjoying free time with our families.

❌ We find ourselves leveling up our bank balances— at the expense of relationships and stress management.

❌ We find ourselves enjoying Sabbath and rest— but the other areas of life seem to fall apart.

Or, to say it another way, we’ve learned to excel in one arena, but we need to adapt to perform in the other areas as well.

The answer isn’t to stop pursuing excellence in each of the important areas of life. Rather, it’s to approach life as a united whole— and recognize that anything that occurs in one area of life affects them all.

Furthermore, we need to train for these areas— and for the season of life we’re in.


🖊️ A battlefield is different than a boardroom.

⚾️ Little League is different than leading a team of employees.

🚌 The skills required to parent are different than the skills needed to put together spreadsheets.

Holos helps people reach peak performance in each area of life, so they can live whole and complete.

Three steps

Our simple business framework is built on the following steps!

1. Discern your true identity

Who you are isn’t found in what you do— but in whose you are. Everything overflows from here. To perform at an optimal level, you must understand who you are, lest you seek to obtain an identity from external achievements.

2. Define your Area of Operations

Area of Operations (AO) quantifies and qualifies the domain a military unit is responsible for. Your AO adjusts in life as you move from one arena to the other. To reach peak performance, you must define the field you’re on.

3. Do it all unto the Lord

Infuse every AO you have with the possibility of expressing God’s presence and power. God wants to impact your family, your fitness, your finances, your friendships, your factory (work), and… yes… your faith life.

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The Holos Framework

Common Questions

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Best Ways to Get Started 

Two Course Bundle

Mike's two course bundle teaches you:

⚛️ Holos, Whole = the fundamentals of peak performance, purpose, and reaching your God-given potential

✋ Discover, Define, Deploy = how to discern the areas to implement the peak performance concept

4 on-demand vides in each course.

Purchase Here

Live Workshop

Twice a year, Mike and the Junto team hold a weekend retreat.

✅ We hear success stories (and failures!) on each of the 7 archetypes of identity (step 1: discern who you are)

✅ We make plans on the specific areas we each need to address  (step 2: define your area of operations)

See the next event

Book + audiobook

Seek. Adapt. Endure. is...

⭐️ the first resource that got Junto (Mike's nonprofit) and Holos started!

⭐️ outlines the core content of who we are, what we do, and why...

⭐️ strategically outlines what it means to be "human"

Learn More | Get Access

1:1 Consulting

Work with Mike one-on-one as he leads you through the core components of peak performance and strategic areas of operation.

You'll define your potential, create a plan based on Mike's framework, and move towards your purpose.

Two 60-minute sessions per month, for a 7 months.

Apply Here

Train Your Team

Engage Mike to work with you AND YOUR staff / team.

When everyone on the team "levels up" the team produces at a higher level-- with more passion and less friction. And that's great for the bottom line.

One on-site meeting with your team each month + after action reports with you for 7 months.

Inquire Here


Need a boost at your next event, corporate gathering, church or civic event...

... of any size? 

Mike is available to share the core components of peak performance with your audience.

Inquire Here

Still not decided?

Need help deciding your next step? Schedule a free 1:1 non-sales call.


Schedule a free 1:1 non-sales call and a team member will discuss areas your strategic areas of opportunity with you. (Whether we choose to work together or not, this connection is ALWAYS a “win” for both of us!)


The Peak Performance framework remains consistent. However, we can help you focus on the areas of your biggest need, so you can make progress.


Notice the difference. Most clients see results within just a few months of implementing the framework. Their stress level goes down, their excitement soars, and they enjoy a stronger sense of community.

Let's Connect

The fine print

Don’t do it alone.

God has many leaders just like you...

The prophet Elijah despaired that he was all alone. God reminded him, "There are 7,000 faithful men just like you-- you just haven't met them yet" (1 Kings 19:18).

Like many of us, Elijah as fresh off one of his greatest victories yet ALSO felt down. 

Lock arms with Mike & others like you— and unleash your potential to reach Peak Performance.

A review of what you’ll learn…

#1 = Discern your true identity 

Your identity isn’t found in what you do— but in whose you are.

If you don’t affirm the identity the Father gives you— as a beloved son (Matthew 3:17), you’ll seek to attain that identity through awards, applause, affirmation, accolades, or other externals.

And, when do you, you'll find yourself hustling hard AND you'll also come up empty.

Let's face reality. A lot of us don't like where we are. And we have failures in our past.

But, when we realize that-- 

📌 Where we are isn't who we are (it's just a location in time)-- God accepts us wherever we are AND empowers us to move forward to where He's destined us to be

📌 Where we are isn't where we're stuck and forced to remain-- we can take steps forward and live God's plans and purposes for our lives.

📌 Where we are is where we must begin... then we're free to move forward without basing our identity on circumstances. 

Once you settle the identity question, however, you can pursue those causes as an overflow of your identity rather than a means to create one.

This leads us to step 2.

#2 = Define your area of operations 

In the military, an AO (Area of Operations) is the acronym used to quantify and qualify the area the unit is responsible for. 

In the same way, all of us have an AO we’re responsible for, just as Paul had (2 Corinthians 10:13f.).

You must steward the domains over which you have authority-- and they change over your lifetime. 

We're each responsible for: 

🙏 Faith = for taking charge of our own spiritual growth and vitality, and not depending on someone else to "feed us" (any more than a grown man depends on his parents to feed him).

💙 Family = for honoring those in our household in a unique way, for nurturing our wife and tending to our kids and checking in on our parents

⚙️ Factory = for adding value in our workplace, whatever it is that we "create" each day

💪 Fitness = for keeping ourselves strong physically, mentally, and emotionally

👊 Friends = for maintaining healthy relationships-- where we pour into others and they pour into us-- we all need a tribe
These areas all look different for each of us, depending upon the season of life we find ourselves.  Whatever the case, though, the world, your work, your community, and your family need you to take authority over your unique AO.

#3 = Deploy-- and do it all unto the Lord

The word worship in Hebrew (avodah) means to serve or work. To the Hebrew man— like Jesus— the work a man did on Thursday was as much an act of honor to God as anything he did on Sunday.

“Whatever you to, do to the glory of God,”we’re taught (Colossians 3:17).

Rather than seeing a distinction between sacred and secular, infuse every AO with the possibility of expressing God’s presence and power.

Let's Connect!