Your path to live unlock your potential + live a life of purpose

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You were created ON purpose and FOR a purpose.

Yet, despite this intentionality, so many men live void of meaning.

We hunger for it— we desire to make a difference and live a life that matters, so we search.

But the search often comes up empty.  Popular movies, social media, and other sources society deems “reliable” can never speak to who you were designed to be…

… because the plan God has for you is far more robust than anything the world declares.

There is a path forward, from where you are to where you're designed to be...

Seek. Adapt. Endure shows you who you are by outlining the archetype of the authentic man.


Look for a higher truth, a greater reality than the empty messages offered today.


Apply what you learn about God’s blueprint for you, making adjustments as needed.


Keep going. Lock arms with like-minded men and continue making imperfect progress.

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Seek. Adapt. Endure. Is your path forward, if…

➡️ You have a deep desire in your soul to wake up each and every day with a strong sense of purpose and meaning to engage in work that benefits the world— you feel like you’ve been waiting too long.

➡️ Or, you’re thriving in work but you feel like you do so at the expense of the dream of loving your family well and generously, of creating deep connections with them.

➡️ You long for good friends that are willing to stand next to you and share life with you no matter what challenges you face, but there never seems to be enough time (you wonder HOW to prioritize when so many things feel important— and urgent).

➡️ You have a deep-seated hunger to carry out some special calling that, when answered, allows you to leave behind a world that is better off than when you came into it— but it’s hard to do the things that matter the most when you’re constantly in a grind.

➡️ You pray to have the strength and endurance to take on all of life’s challenges with discipline, tenacity, and strength, and stand victorious. You’re willing to do the work— but you need a simple roadmap and the tools to get there.

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Why Seek. Adapt. Endure. was written

I’m Mike.

I grew up consistently second-guessing myself.

I didn’t feel I measured up. Really, it didn’t seem life mattered too much.

That changed when I stumbled upon the world of strength & conditioning. This was an area in which measurable and quantifiable gains could be made.

Furthermore, I excelled at it.

But, even that came up empty.

I found a staff position as the strength coach for an NCAA hockey team while in his 30s. Just a few years into the program, the team won the national championship…

I still felt like an impostor.

Then I began training elite soldiers. Even that didn’t solve my quest to matter.

I learned that I not only want to make a difference-- I want to make a difference at something that matters.

I began asking around.  Other men felt the same tension.

As I ate lunch and drank coffee with numerous men— regular men with jobs and families and other responsibilities, I realized we all struggle with the same issues.

⚙️ We need to discover who we are.

⚙️ We need to define the areas over which we have stewardship and responsibility.

⚙️ We need to do what we do— in each area of life— unto the Lord.

We need to do something that makes a difference— yet that difference can dictate our value and worth.

Seek. Adapt. Endure. is a study about the ultimate man, Jesus.

He completely and accurately shows us who we are designed to be, so much so that—

✅ Paul declared that seeing Him is like looking at ourselves in a mirror— who we are (2 Corinthians 3:18)

✅ John suggested that “as He is,” so also are we (1 John 4:17).

But, we forget (or, we’ve never been shown) WHO we are.

As a result…

✅ James observed that it’s as if we’ve seen our reflection in a mirror (like when you wake up and prepare for your day), but then we walk away and forget the image we saw (James 1:23-24).

Seek. Adapt. Endure. will help you see who you are, so that you live as an overflow of being whole.

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Designed to help you navigate from where you are to where you're designed to be...

... each chapter includes--

⁉️ Needs analysis— to self-reflect and gauge where you are are in each of the 7 archetypes

♻️ Adaptation— action steps you can take to make specific adjustments and move into alignment with God’s purposes for you

🏆 Tips to help you endure— proactively looking ahead  and anticipating upcoming challenges in this specific area— so nothing takes you by surprise and you can overcome

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What Others Say

Adam LaReau

O2X Cofounder, Former US Navy Lieutenant Commander (SEAL), founder of One Summit

Mike's career preparing elite performers to include special operations soldiers for the toughest tasks and challenges combined with his strong faith in God offers a unique perspective over our “why” and what living a full and happy life looks like.

Seek Adapt Endure asks the questions to reflect on our lives, find our purpose, and personally grow.

Lou Howk

US Special Forces

After almost two decades in the military, I found myself falling apart, clinging to a false identity, and at a risk of losing everything I’d worked for.

In Mike’s book, I realized just how fearfully and wonderfully made I am. I learned not only how I’m created in the image of God, but how I was created in the image of the most Authentic Man and Son to ever walk this earth, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Seek. Adapt. Endure. is available as a book, eBook, and an audiobook.

Order yours here, and begin following the way of the authentic man. 

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This resource includes—

This resource has worked for others; it will work for you, too!

Junto Tribe, the nonprofit Mike leads, uses this book as part of their 7-month discipleship groups. At the end of each run, members gather to place their own red handprint— like the one on the cover of the book— on a wall.

It’s our “line in the sand,” our visible reminder, that we make imperfect progress— but still continue forward.

👉 We seek.

👉 We adapt.

👉 We endure.

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Seek. Adapt. Endure. is sold as a bundle. Receive instant access to the audiobook (read by Mike) + paperback shipped to you, same day, via US Postal. Shipping included.

Paperback + Audiobook Bundle

Book = 6" x 9" paperback, 186 pages.

Audiobook = unabridged, read by Mike, @ 5 hours

$23 | checkout here


 Audiobook = unabridged, read by Mike, @ 5 hours

$11 | checkout here